Basic Account Settings
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Account Name
The Account name, as it is displayed in XanaNews. This is not used to connect the server, so it can be any name you like. Note that duplicate account names are not supported.
Make Secret Account
Secret accounts don't appear in the groups & accounts tree when you start XanaNews. You can make them appear (and disappear again) by selecting 'Show Secret Accounts & Newsgroups' on the View menu.
Enable Keyphrase Scanning
Enabling Keyphrase Scanning means that the groups in this account will be scanned for the key phrases you set up in Tools/Options, Keywords. Keyphrase Scanning was made optional because of concerns that it might affect the overall performance of XanaNews. However, in practice there is little noticeable difference when keyphrase scanning is enabled, and the option mat be removed (and left enabled) in a future version.
Mark Messages as Read when Leaving Groups in this Account
If this option is selected, whenever you leave a selected newsgroup, all its articles will be marked as 'read'.